Thursday, March 22, 2007

CLA Executive Board Conflict of Interest Statement

The CLA auditor has recommended that CLA adopt a "conflict of interest" statement as there is a new question on IRS Form 990 (which we must submit each year) that reads, "Does the organization have a written conflict of interest policy? Yes or No". It is highly advised that the answer be Yes.

Based on the sample statement supplied by the auditor the following is the statement that is proposed for addition to the Association By-Laws at the Annual Members Meeting held at the Annual Conference at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, April 18, 2007 at the Connecticut Convention Center:

"Members of the Connecticut Library Association Executive Board are expected to maintain the highest standards of integrity in all their work for the association. If at any time a board member believes that s/he has a conflict of interest regarding an issue before the board, stemming from a personal relationship, employment relationship, or other reason, that board member should withdraw from board discussion and, if a voting member, abstain from voting on the issue.

CLA expects board members to disclose possible conflicts of interest to the board. The board will
honor a member's request to withdraw from disucssion and abstain from voting. No questions or explanations will be asked of a board member who makes such a request.

Should a dispute occur within the board about whether a member should be required to excuse himself/herself because fo a perceived onflict of interest, the Executive Committee (President, Vice President/President Elect, Past President, Second Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer ) will convene, decide on a course of action and notify the board if a member of the Executive Committee is party to the dispute, s/he will not participate in making the decision.

A board member who learns of a potential conflict of interest may not proceed with deliberation on an issue until there has been an opportunity to resolve such perceived conflice, or until the board member(s) who have such conflicts have withdrawn from the discussion about and voting on the issue."

If you have any questions, please contact:
Sandy Brooks, CLA Procedures Chair
Eastern CT State University